What Should A Cleaning Lady Do?
January 21, 2020What Cleaning Products Do Professional Cleaners Use?
March 13, 2020Everyone is guilty of letting things get out of hand at home. It might start with forgetting to throw out old papers, or telling yourself that you will put the laundry away when you get home from work only to forget it was there in the first place. But there are some things you can do to easily declutter the mess in your home. In this story, you are going to see the top 5 tips for getting rid of the clutter.
Tip number 1, get rid of something every single day. You have a lot of stuff in your home, whether it is old clothing that is taking up space or some bills you forgot to toss out when you paid them, it’s in your home and it’s making it a mess. Pick at least 1 thing every single day, and throw it out. This is a slow process, but it is making sure that you are making progress in cleaning your home.
If that process is a little too slow for you, you can start by giving yourself 5 minutes. 5 minutes every hour, 5 minutes every day, whatever works best for you. Take 5 minutes out of your day and clean everything you see.
You can set a timer and pick a place in your home to clean during those 5 minutes, or you can listen to your favorite song as you clean multiple places within those 5 minutes. But giving yourself a set time will help motivate you to get something done within that amount of time.
Don’t stop cleaning until you have filled at least 1 trash bag. This can be filled with trash, with things you want to sell, or things you want to donate. Whatever you plan on doing with the items in the trash bag is up to you, just make sure that it is full. This will take large portions of the mess out of your home.
Take before and after photos of the small amount of work you have done. It can be hard to motivate yourself to clean if you aren’t noticing the progress right away. So take a photo of an area that needs to be cleaned, clean it up, and then view the difference. This will motivate you to clean it up a little more.
Finally, get someone to help you out. Cleaning is a lot of work and it can be hard to convince yourself to do it alone when the task at hand is bigger than yourself. If you are cleaning out the attic, an old bedroom, or your whole house, you should still have someone to help you. Invite a friend over, promise them some food as payment, and get to work.